Join us for Worship @9:30am English (In-person/online) & @ 11a in Spanish & Creole
Join us for Worship @9:30am English (In-person/online) & @ 11a in Spanish & Creole
Every good and perfect gift comes from God, so the resources with which He has blessed us ultimately belong to Him. It is our responsibility to be good stewards and give back to the Lord however He may lead.
Financial giving can be activated through this website, a mobile device, checks through the mail, charitable grants, or endowments. Scroll down for information on the available options.
We thank you in advance for your giving and know that the good Lord in His compassion will keep on blessing you for every contribution that you give for His work.
Create a lasting legacy with ENUMC by bequeathing a financial gift, property, or publicly traded or closely held securities.
Contact the church to meet with a member of the Endowment Committee to discuss how this option could be a mutual blessing.
Select ENUMC as a designee of your donor-advised fund. A charitable grant could be donated for use in the church's general operating fund or for a designated ministry or project.
Use this option to make a one-time donation or set up weekly or monthly reoccurring donations. You may find this tool very useful if you are a snowbird, when traveling, sick, or unable to attend service but still want to faithfully contribute.
Use your Smartphone or other Mobile devices to efficiently give. It is quick and simple once the App has been installed.
Checks could be mailed directly from you or set up through your bank or trust. Mail checks to:
2701 Airport Road, S
Naples, FL 34112
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7