Join us for Joint Worship @9:30am English/Spanish/Creole

Join Us for Worship This Transfiguration Sunday After the Epiphany
East Naples United Methodist Church
Join us for Joint Worship @9:30am English/Spanish/Creole
East Naples United Methodist Church
in the Sanctuary
“Best of Broadway Musical” If you enjoyed last year's concert, this year will be extra special with the addition of Carolann Sanita! Artists Jodie Deslavo, Mark Sanders, and Carolann Sanita, will join our Music Directors, Michelle and Tony Falco to bring you an extraordinary selection of broadway favorites! Sing along with your favorite duets, trios, and solos for a concert you will not want to miss! Selections will span from the classics to modern Broadway hits! You will
Admission is free. Donations are welcomed. Doors open at 2p.
Physically Disconnected, But Connected by Love & Through Prayer
Thank you for your continued generosity. Your giving keeps our church operational, and our ministries available to a world in need. More information is available on the Ways to Give page.
10 I surely rejoice in the Lord;
my heart is joyful because of my God,
because he has clothed me with clothes of victory,
wrapped me in a robe of righteousness
like a bridegroom in a priestly crown,
and like a bride adorned in jewelry.
11 As the earth puts out its growth,
and as a garden grows its seeds,
so the Lord God will grow righteousness and praise before all the nations.
Isaiah 61:10-11 ceb
Proverbs 22:6 ceb
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The Prayer Team would be happy to pray for your needs or those of your family.
Copies available in the Narthex and the Church Office.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
We would love to meet you! Feel free to visit our church in Naples. Please join us at worship services, any event, or during normal office hours. Or call to make an appointment.
Today | Closed |